The government will provide a grant-in-aid of up to Rs 50 lakh for startups and individuals to promote innovation in the niche technical textiles segment.The Startup Guidelines for Technical Textiles - Grant for Research and Entrepreneurship across Aspiring Innovators in Technical Textiles (GREAT) providing grant-in-aid of up to Rs 50 lakh for up to a period of 18 months has been approved.With a strong emphasis on developing the Startup Ecosystem in Technical Textiles, the guidelines focus on supporting individuals and companies to translate prototypes to technologies & products, including commercialisation.The textile ministry will additionally provide 10 percent of total grant-in-aid to incubators.To strengthen authenticity and commitment towards the project, a minimum investment of 10 percent of the funding from the incubatee in two equal installments is mandated. The startup guidelines (GREAT) are aimed at providing the much-needed impetus for the development of the technical textiles startup ecosystem in India, especially in niche sub-segments such as biodegradable and sustainable textiles, high-performance and speciality fibers, and smart textiles, among others.
In Himachal Pradesh, for weed control in maize and rice crops, ______ is the popular mechanical method among farmers.
Which of the following is abbreviated as 2,4-D?
What are the color patterns of Holstein cattle?
Buttoning is the problem in which of the following crops
The combined effect of weed infestation due to allelo chemicals and competition is termed as
Which of the following Indian sheep breed is known for producing superior
quality carpet wool
In which of the following option the elasticity of production is incorrectly matched with the stage of production?
Which millet is traditionally known as the “camel crop” due to its extreme drought tolerance?
In a market scenario where there is a single buyer facing a multitude of sellers, the prevailing market condition is commonly referred to as which of th...
The rearing of young bee to replace the old queen bee is