Ashok Leyland has got approval for the complete acquisition of Ohm Global Mobility Private (OHM) from OHM International Mobility for a nominal consideration of Rs 100,000. Ashok Leyland will invest up to Rs 300 crore as equity in OHM for operationalizing the company. E-MaaS (electric mobility as a service) contracts will be transferred to OHM subject to approvals.
How many persons sit between L and K?
How many persons sit between the one who sits to the immediate right of U and the one who sits to the immediate right of R?
Who is to the immediate right of J?
Six friends Q, R, S, T, U and V are standing in a circle facing the centre. R is between V and S, Q is between U and T, and V is to the immediate left o...
A-W, B-X, C-Y and D-Z are four married couples. In a restaurant they are sitting around a rectangular table, with three persons along each of the longer...
Six persons F, G, H, I, J and K sit around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. All of them face towards the centre and the distance ...
If L sits second to the left of O then how many seats are between L and R when counted from the right of R?
B likes ______
Which of the following statement is correct?
Who is sitting exact opposite to person S?