According to the data provided by the Department of Commerce & Industry, the value of goods exported from India fell to a nine-month low at $32.25 billion in July, witnessing a 15.9 per cent contraction as external demand continued to remain sluggish due to factors including a slowdown and high inflation in developed economies. Imports also contracted by 17 per cent to $52.92 billion in July. The trade deficit narrowed to $20.67 billion in July from $25.45 billion a year ago but widened from $18.76 billion in June. On the brighter side, services exports witnessed 12 per cent growth at $27.17 billion in July. Services imports grew at a relatively slower pace, at 5.6 per cent, reaching $14.85 billion, resulting in a surplus of $12.32 billion.
(0.64) -1.5 = ?
If (7/5)4 x (7/5)6 = (7/5)(2x+2) then x is equal to
Value of (x7/x6)6/5 is:
If √60 = 7.7 find the value of
(0.36)-1.5= ?
The value of ‘x’ in the given below equation is.
0.5 ̅ + 0.7 ̅ + 0.9 ̅ + 0.3 ̅ = x
(537824) -3/5 = ?
Find the Value of √(-√3+√(3+8√(7+4√3)))?
(64/25)? × (125/512) ? - 1 = 5/8
(0.09) -1.5 = ?