As part of the Centre’s infrastructure push, the Union Cabinet has approved seven proposals by the Ministry of Railways to expand the rail network in various parts of the country, at an estimated cost of Rs 32,512 crore. The projects covering 35 districts in nine states — Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, Jharkhand, and West Bengal — will increase the existing network of railways by 2,339 km. This will provide employment of 70.6 million man-days to the people of the states.
What is the term for permanent tissues that consist of many different types of cells with specialized functions?
Barley is a
Under the controlled and modified storage conditions which of these cannot be regulated
The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) released the detailed report for the All India Tiger Estimation-2022, revealing that India is home to n...
______ is known as Father of Natural farming
The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and fallow on a given area is known as
Germination percentage of wheat crop is ______
Chemiosmotic theory was first put forward by
____ is a milk process that makes milk more easily digested by those with a sensitive digestive system.
Growth-oriented definition of Economics is given by