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National Sports Day is celebrated every year on 29 August in India. National Sports Day in India is celebrated in the memory of the great hockey player Major Dhyanchand. On this day India's great hockey player Major Dhyanchand was born in Prayagraj in the year 1905. Major Dhyanchand had given gold medals to India in the Olympics in the years 1928, 1932 and 1936.
Find the odd one out.
If you are the 25th person in a queue from one end and 36th from the other end, what is the total number of persons in the queue?
Eight colleagues KZ, LZ, MZ, NZ, OZ, PZ, QZ and RZ are seated in a circle facing the centre. NZ is an immediate neighbour of both LZ and QZ. PZ is an im...
Which of the following interchange of signs would make the given equation correct?
42 ÷ 7 − 64 + 11 × 6 = 4
Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter cluster and th...
R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y are sitting around a square table facing the centre of the table. Four of them are sitting at either of the corners while the ...
In a certain code language, ‘That is my rifle’ is written as ‘Bx Uo Zp Mj’, ‘This is my kite’ is written as ‘Zp Py Uo Gt’, ‘That is yo...
Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship as that shared by the number in the set given below.
(440, 229, 422)
Statement: Most of those who study in premier engineering colleges in India migrate to developed nations for better prospects in their professional ...
Select the option that will replace the question mark (?) in the following number series.
456, 444, 420, 384, 336, ?