MeitY Secretary Alkesh Kumar Sharma launched 'Graphene-Aurora program' at Maker Village Kochi, Kerala. It will be Implemented by Digital University Kerala with joint funding from MeitY, Govt. of India, Govt. of Kerala, and Industry partners. Budget: Rs 94.85 Crore, Carborundum Pvt Limited as main industry partner. It aims to bridge R&D and commercialization gap for graphene technologies. 'India Graphene Engineering and Innovation Centre (I-GEIC)' to be set up. The focus is on nurturing emerging Graphene tech, supporting SMEs/startups. Goal: Help India lead in the world's new material market.
Mobile Money Identifier (MMID) is a ____ digit number of a banking customer.
Maximum limit of SLR is
Fiscal Policy in India is formulated by whom?
Consider the following statement with reference to the Special Drawing Rights(SDRs).
A) It is an international reserve asset created by the IM...
Lack of access to financial services is technically known as:
Repo and Reverse repo rates are two rates set by RBI for .................... ?
Consider the following statements regarding bridge loan:
(A) It is a loan made by a bank for a longer period to make up for permanent shortage...
The Reserve Bank of India was taken over by the Government in
National Electronic Fund Transfer scheme of RBI was earlier known as:
In which year the first Bank of India was established?