The 4th G20 Culture Working Group (CWG) Meeting aims to arrive at actionable outcomes while positioning culture at the heart of policy-making.Where is the meeting going to be held?
The 4th G20 Culture Working Group (CWG) Meeting began in Varanasi. It will culminate in the Culture Ministers’ Meeting (CMM) on 26th August 2023. Building upon the success of the previous three CWG meetings in Khajuraho, Bhubaneswar, and Hampi, as well as the four Global Thematic Webinars, the 4th CWG meeting in Varanasi aims to arrive at actionable outcomes while positioning culture at the heart of policy-making. A report titled "G20 Culture: Shaping the Global Narrative for Inclusive Growth” will be launched in Varanasi as a part of the Culture Ministers’ Meeting. The CWG will also release a special stamp to commemorate the Culture Unites All’ campaign to highlight India’s unwavering belief in multilateralism.
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