AI school has been started in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram, making this the first of its kind in the country. The Santhigiri Vidyabhavan, located in the state’s capital city, was inaugurated by former president Ram Nath Kovind. The school is a result of a collaboration between iLearning Engines (ILE) USA and Vedhik eSchool and aims to provide students with a technologically-driven educational experience. The AI school utilises artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced technological systems to enhance the learning outcomes for students. It involves the integration of AI technologies, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and data analysis, into various aspects of education, including curriculum design, personalized learning, assessment, and student support. About Kerala Capital: Thiruvananthapuram Chief minister: Pinarayi Vijayan Governor: Arif Mohammed Khan
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When was the first acceptance of GM Bt cotton with the Cry-1Ac gene granted in the USA?
Rice plants prefer absorption of N fertilizer in form of
The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, also known as the Calvin cycle, take place in the:
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojana started in which year?
Which of the following factor is not a primary cause of soil erosion?
Which is not true for Mycorrhizae Fungi?
ICAR- National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources is situated at ___
National Panchayati Raj day is observed annually on _____
The process of removal of undesirable or non-productive animals from herd is called……………………