SEBI has imposed a penalty of Rs 7 lakh on Shapoorji Pallonji and Company for flouting disclosure norms. In its order, SEBI found that Shapoorji Pallonji and Company did not take prior approval from the stock exchange for converting non-convertible debentures (NCDs) into a term loan way back in March 2021. Also, it failed to submit auditor’s certificate on utilization of funds, half yearly certificate on maintenance of asset cover and annual report to the debenture trustee.
Find the distance between the points A(4,2,3) and B(5,4,2)
If in a particular month, disbursement was made in 50% of the total number of sanctioned loans by Branch M, find the total number of disbursed loans tha...
What is the total number of applications received from the males in Branch N and O together?
The average speed of a car traveling from city X to city Y is 60 km/h. On its return trip from city Y to city X, due to traffic, the car’s average spe...
In a company, there are three departments: A, B, and C. The average salary of employees in department A is ₹40,000, in department B is ₹50,000, and ...
The given Bar Graph presents the number of different types of vehicles (in lakhs) exported by a company during 2014 and 2015.
What is the total number of applications received from the females in all the branches of the bank?