National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has launched some new payment features to enable more digital inclusivity. The new products include a credit line on UPI, UPI Lite X for offline payments and a near field communication (NFC)-enabled Tap & Pay feature, conversational payments through Hello! UPI and conversational bill payments with BillPay Connect.
What is the full form of FDI.
In which year was the first Census conducted?
What is the main objective of the SHRESHTA Scheme?
Which of the following is part of the tertiary sector of the economy?
Which committee recommended the establishment of Regional Rural Banks in India?
Up to what limit, FDI in insurance sector is allowed by the Government of India ?
What does 'VAT' stand for in the context of taxation?
Which Five Year Plan in India has the tagline – Faster Sustainable and more inclusive growth?
Which of the following is called as the National Income?
Which adjustment is made to nominal GDP to compute real GDP in Indian national accounting practices?