More than 500 million Indians have opened accounts under the government's flagship financial inclusion scheme – the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) – since its inception nine years ago, accounting for Rs 2.03 lakh crore in deposits till August 18, 2023.
`(601/49)xx(399/81)` ÷ `(29/201)` = ?
19.22 × 11.99 + 142.15 = ?
60.22 of 449.98% + 459.99 ÷ 23.18 = ?
?% of 1499.89 + 54.14 × 8 = 25.05% of 5568.08
(7.013 – 20.04) = ? + 7.98% of 5399.98
(39.98% of 854.79 – 35.13% of 420.28) ÷ 13.12 × 135.34 = 400.31 + ?
5.55% of 8120 – 66.66% of 540 = ? – 28% of 5500
(2160.23 ÷ 35.98) + (600.32 ÷ 23.9) + 1744.11 = ?
(23.99)2– (17.99)2+ (1378.88 + 44.88) ÷ ? = 607.998
25, 28, 26, 29, 27, ?