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Securities that are bought by businesses with the intent to hold them until maturity are known as Held-to-Maturity (HTM) securities. They differ from trading securities or securities open for sale as they are not held until maturity. Companies mainly employ HTM securities to diversify their investment portfolios, insulate from interest rate Volatility, and create a modest, low-risk Capital Gain for a longer period. Debt instruments such as corporate or government Bonds typically make up the investments. .
What is the age of majority in India as per the law?
Which illustration of Section 114 of Evidence Act is based on the maxim “Ominia praesumumtur rite et solemniter esse acta”?
Under the Act, which of the following statements accurately describe the entitlement to legal services?
Which is not related to freedom to manage religious affairs under Constitution of India?
What is the duration for which the Reporting Entity shall maintain record of documents evidencing identity of its clients and beneficial owners as well ...
As per the Information Technology Act, 2000, if any person, dishonestly or fraudulently, does any act referred to in section 43, he shall be punishable ...
How should a conciliator assist the parties in a dispute according to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act?
Under section 428, the period of detention undergone by a convict cannot be set off during
A fact if after considering the matters before it, the Court either believes that it does not exist is said to be-
Cultivate personally means under the Chhattisgarh land Revenue Code: