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Securities that are bought by businesses with the intent to hold them until maturity are known as Held-to-Maturity (HTM) securities. They differ from trading securities or securities open for sale as they are not held until maturity. Companies mainly employ HTM securities to diversify their investment portfolios, insulate from interest rate Volatility, and create a modest, low-risk Capital Gain for a longer period. Debt instruments such as corporate or government Bonds typically make up the investments. .
Which of the following provisions are stated in the Fundamental Duties?
1. To protect and improve the natural environment.
2. To protect m...
Which of the following articles guarantees equality before law and equal protection of law for all individuals residing within the territory of India?
Under which article of the Indian Constitution can the Lok Sabha, in a special sitting, disapprove the continuance of a National Emergency even if the R...
How many sessions of the Lok Sabha are typically held in a year?
The Vice-President of India is elected for a term of ______ years.
Which of the following Schedule describes Rajya Sabha seats?
What is the primary function of the Finance Commission in India?
The Indian Constitution prohibits the employment of children below the age of how many years in hazardous jobs like factories and mines?
The duration of proclamation of Financial Emergency is
Which of the following was previously a fundamental right but is now only a legal right under the Indian Constitution?