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Securities that are bought by businesses with the intent to hold them until maturity are known as Held-to-Maturity (HTM) securities. They differ from trading securities or securities open for sale as they are not held until maturity. Companies mainly employ HTM securities to diversify their investment portfolios, insulate from interest rate Volatility, and create a modest, low-risk Capital Gain for a longer period. Debt instruments such as corporate or government Bonds typically make up the investments. .
DSL is used in _________ connections.
The source program is written as
When the digits, which are odd in the number ‘43289567’ are decreased by 2 and the remaining digits are increased by 1, then what is the product of ...
What is the first step in the transaction processing cycle?
Many private sector banks have reduced interest rate on housing loans in comparison to public sector banks.
Courses of acti...
IF ‘I Trust You’ is coded as ’576’ and ‘I Believe God’ is coded as ‘854’ and ‘You Can Do’ is coded as ‘236’ then what will be th...
Which of the following software program which can replicates itself (even without human intervention) without altering any files on your machine but dam...
In a row of 78 students. Sunita is 40th from the left side of the row and Sohail is 41st fromthe right side of the row. What is the number of persons be...
यदि H = I, F ≥ G, H < G and J > I, तो निम्न में से कौन सा निष्कर्ष सत्य है?