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· Telangana ’ s Chief Innovation Officer ( CIO ) Shanta Thoutam has been presented with the World Innovation Award at the first BRICS Innovation Forum hosted at Moscow from August 27 to 29 . · The award is given for outstanding contribution to the Sustainable Development Goal - 4 that ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong opportunities for all . · The World Innovation Award, organized by World Organisation for Development, an international NGO with Special Consultative Status with United Nations Economic & Social Council, honours leaders from the developing world that have made an outstanding personal contribution to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals through a systematic effort to implement innovative solutions . · The other two nominees in the category were Fernando Padula Novaes, Municipal Minister of Education of Sao Paulo in Brazil and Saif Al - Hiddabi , Undersecretary of Research and Innovation at Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation in Oman . Learn Along : About BRICS · BRICS is a grouping of the world economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa formed by the 2010 addition of South Africa to the predecessor BRIC . · The original acronym " BRIC " , or " the BRICs " , was coined in 2001 by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill to describe fast - growing economies that he predicted would collectively dominate the global economy by 2050 . Founded : 16 June 2009
Preliminary expenses are the best example for _________.
Shortage in material can be due to normal reasons or due to abnormal reasons.
Which of the following will be regarded as shortage due to abnormal reason?
Read the following information to answer the below questions:
Ricky Ponting, an Australian Cricket Player visits India for 90 days in every financial year. This has been his practice for the past 11 financial years...
Which one of the following is not regarded as Indirect material?
According to section 10 of Indian Contract Act, 1872, which of the following is not regarded as the essential elements of a valid contract?
The section of the companies Act, 2013 which contains provisions regarding remuneration of the auditor is:
Under the Indian Contract Act, the suggestion as a fact of that which is not true by one who does not believe it to be true and the active concealment o...
The depreciation of assets is computed on their:
What does ERP stand for?