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· India ’ s first solar observatory mission , named Aditya - L1 , launched onboard the Polar Satellite Launch · This PSLV - C57 / Aditya - L1 mission can be counted as o ne of the longest missions involving ISRO ’ s workhorse launch vehicle . · Following the launch, Aditya - L1 will stay in earth - bound orbits for 16 days , during which it will undergo five manoeuvres to gain the necessary velocity for its journey . · “ Subsequently, Aditya - L1 undergoes a Trans - Lagrangian1 insertion manoeuvre , marking the beginning of its 110 - day trajectory to the destination, ” ISRO said . · Aditya - L1 will stay approximately 1 . 5 million km away from the earth , directed towards the sun; this is about 1 % of the distance between the earth and the sun . Learn Along : About ISRO Headquarters : Bengaluru Founded : 15 August 1969 Chairperson : S . Somanath
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