N Valarmathi, an Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) scientist, who lent her voice to countdowns for rocket launches in Sriharikota, died after a cardiac arrest. She was last heard during the countdown announcement for the launch of Chandrayaan-3 that made a historic landing on the Moon.
The Battle of Haldighati was fought between which two leaders.
Who constructed the famous Martand Sun Temple in Kashmir?
Which dynasty is associated with the Gandhara School of Art?
Who was the father of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb?
Which inscription offers insights into the reign of Samudragupta?
Which Mughal emperor bestowed the title 'Sahibat-uz-Zamani' on Jahanara Begum?
Which of the following inscriptions give the information about two Ashwamedha Yajnas performed by the King Pushyamitra Sunga?
Who was the last Viceroy of India?
Timur's invasion has taken place during the reign of
The Chipko Movement was associated with the conservation of: