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The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) will construct the world's highest fighter airfield in the Nyoma region of Ladakh. The foundation stone of the project was laid by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh from Devak Bridge on September 12. About BRO The Border Roads Organisation is a statutory body under the ownership of Ministry of Defence, Government of India. BRO develops and maintains road networks in India's border areas and friendly neighboring countries. Founded: 7 May 1960 Headquarters: New Delhi Director General: Lt. Gen. Rajeev Chaudhary
Directions : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out and replaced by a blank represented by a letter. First read the passage and...
In the following questions, a sentence is given with two blanks. Identify the correct pair of words that fit in the sentence to make it grammat...
Which preposition can fill in the following sentence?
Have you ever been to a concert _____ your favorite band?
A) Jeopardise
B) Sumptuous
C) Extravagant
D) Indigenous
...Choose the correct form of the verb to go with the subject.
On the day of the departure, every one of the boat's crew _________ down with fever.
Last week, North Korea's Army said it would _______________all roads and railways connected to South Korea and ________________border areas, according t...
Many of the visitors in Kochi ________ conventional hotels and resorts, choosing to stay with fishermen________. Via these home stays, which are ______...
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
The company management wants to ______________ restrictions at the workplace.
Patoonda is a small village situated …….. the rocky barren land on the right bank of river Kali Sindh, a major …… of Chambal...
The tone of her voice seemed to ______ that she knew more than he was letting on.