The I-CRR was introduced on August 10, 2023, by the RBI to absorb the surplus liquidity generated by various factors, including the return of Rs 2,000 notes to the banking system. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) would discontinue the incremental cash reserve ratio (I-CRR) requirement imposed on banks and return the seized funds in phases.Out of the total I-CRR maintained, 25 per cent will be disbursed on September 9, another 25 per cent on September 23, and the remaining on October 7. It was estimated that around Rs 1 trillion worth of liquidity was held due to the I- CRR requirement. During the August review of the monetary policy, the RBI mandated all scheduled banks to maintain an I-CRR of 10 percent on the increase in their net demand and time liabilities (NDTL).
No cabin is a room.
All rooms are houses.
No house is a flat.
Some flats are apartments.
Some Rank is Scores.
All Scores is Subjects.
Only Subjects is Letter.
I. Some Letter is not ...
Some states are towns.
No town is a village.
All villages are cities.
I. Some towns are citi...
No red is white.
All white are orange.
Some Orange are blue.
I. No red is blue.
II. N...
Statements: Some ractangle are envelope.
All envelope are square.
Statements: All covers are glasses.
Some caps are covers.
No cup is a cap.
Conclusions: I. Some cups are not...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Only a few Products are Price.
Only Prices are Place.
No Price is Promotion.
I) Some Pro...
Some authors are teachers.
All teachers are poets.
Some poets are artists.
I. Some aut...
In the questions given below there are three statements followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the three given statements to be ...