Securities that are bought by businesses with the intent to hold them until maturity are known as Held-to-Maturity (HTM) securities. They differ from trading securities or securities open for sale as they are not held until maturity. Companies mainly employ HTM securities to diversify their investment portfolios, insulate from interest rate Volatility, and create a modest, low-risk Capital Gain for a longer period. Debt instruments such as corporate or government Bonds typically make up the investments.
The primary deficit in a government budget will be zero, when _______
In the case of cost-push inflation, other things being equal:
If the R2 value for a regression line is 0.75 for 20 observations. What is the adjusted Rsquare value if the number of independent variables ...
If rxy = 0.75, then correlation coefficient between u = 1.5X and v = 2Y is:
As per the regression data available: Wage = 11 + 0.24age - 0.23Illiterate + 0.14Married - 0.27Married*Illiterate, where the variables are self-...
In a government budget, revenue deficit is Rs. 50000 crores and borrowing are Rs. 75000 crores. The fiscal deficit will be:
Suppose the money supply in Mexico grows more quickly than the money supply in the USA. We would expect that
Country A can produce 10 units of cloth or 5 units of wine in a day. Country B can produce 6 units of cloth or 4 units of wine in a day. Which country ...
When exchange rate in terms of domestic currency rises:-
What is the value of the balanced budget multiplier?