SEBI has imposed a penalty of Rs 7 lakh on Shapoorji Pallonji and Company for flouting disclosure norms. In its order, SEBI found that Shapoorji Pallonji and Company did not take prior approval from the stock exchange for converting non-convertible debentures (NCDs) into a term loan way back in March 2021. Also, it failed to submit auditor’s certificate on utilization of funds, half yearly certificate on maintenance of asset cover and annual report to the debenture trustee.
Famous singer Allah Jilai Bai was renowned for which style of folk music?
Which of the following Export Control Regime has recently admitted India into their membership
Which dance form was Mohanrao Shankarrao Kallianpurkar associated with?
Which country has been recently banned from Winter Olympics of 2018 to be held in South Korea
Which organization initiated Project REPLAN (Reducing Plastic from Nature)?
Jhum Cultivation is mainly followed in which of the states?
Which of the following is a non-metal?
Nagaland became the first Indian state to implement which type of insurance scheme?
What is the growth projection for the FY 2018-19 in the recently released Economic Survey?
When is ‘World Kindness Day’ observed annually?