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The cabinet has approved an additional allocation of over Rs 1,100 crore for the industrial development scheme, 2017 for Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The additional fund was required to meet the liabilities under the scheme up to 2028-29. Under this scheme, the total financial outlay was Rs 131.90 crore. As per the approval of additional funds under the above scheme, the following incentives would be benefitted under the scheme. Central Capital Investment Incentive for Access to Credit (CCIIAC): o All eligible new industrial units and existing industrial units on their substantial expansion in the manufacturing and service sector located anywhere in the States of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand will be provided Central Capital Investment Incentive for access to credit (CCIIAC) @ 30% of the investment in Plant and Machinery with an upper limit of Rs.5.00 crore. Central Comprehensive Insurance Incentive (CCII): o All eligible new industrial units and existing industrial units on their substantial expansion located anywhere in the states of HP and Uttarakhand will be eligible for reimbursement of 100% insurance premium on insurance of building and Plant & Machinery for a maximum period of 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production/operation.
More than 50 accredited social health activists have requested Municipality to offer them ID cards.
Statement I: The social health activists w...
What is Surya's age?
I. Surya and his sister are the only children in Ramesh's home.
II. Surya's sister is elder to him by 5 years.
Statement: The forest department has embarked on an initiative to plant six crore saplings in the state.
I. The areas wh...
Statement: “My App” mobile app has been launched by of CISCO to help in faster dissemination of information among entrepreneurs.
Assumption I...
Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): Carbon is the only chemical element that forms the largest number of compounds.
Statement : "To curb pollution, the government has banned the use of plastic bags."
Assumptions :
I. Plastic bags contribute significa...
Statement : It is the most advanced production facility in the country, pioneering the use of advanced punched grid-making technology for two-wheeler b...
Statement: A construction worker was buried alive when mud from a 20-ft high pit collapsed on him and four others.
Assumption I: The other ...
Statement: Indian Culture is getting forgotten and the country is losing its rich heritage.
I. Westernization has affec...
Statement: A construction worker was buried alive when mud from a 20-ft high pit collapsed on him and four others.
Assumption I: The oth...