According to the provisional payroll data of ESIC ,19.88 lakh new employees have been added in the month of July, 2023. Around 27,870 new establishments have been registered and brought under the social security umbrella of the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation in the month of July, 2023, thus ensuring more coverage.Data reveals that more jobs have been generated for the youth of the nation as out of the total 19.88 lakh employees added during the month, 9.54 lakh employees up to the age group of 25 years constitute the majority of new registrations which is 47.9 % of the total employees. Gender-wise analysis of payroll data indicates that net enrolment of female members has been 3.82 lakh in July, 2023.
Select the most appropriate opposite of the Given word :
Select the most appropriate synonym of the bold word in the given sentence.
The promises made by the old minister were fulfilled.
A woman who has more than one husband at a time.
Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word - Congenial
Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
Selling, purchasing, and using an illegally copied product is a criminal offence.
Person who finds it difficult to go to sleep