Bengaluru has been added to the list of host cities for the upcoming edition of the Subroto Cup International Football Tournament, to be held from September 19 to October 23 at three venues. The oldest national inter-school football tournament was earlier held in Delhi and Gurugram. While the Under-17 junior boys and girls tournaments will be held in Delhi-NCR, the Under-14 sub-junior boys competition will be played at the ASC Centre, the Air Force School, Jalahalli and the Air Force School, Yehalanka in Bengaluru.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) announced that stricter disclosure norms for foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) will come into effect ...
Which of the following types of decisions are incorporated with financial decisions:
A. Investment decisions
B. F...
What is the maximum exposure limit for a bank to a single NBFC predominantly engaged in lending against collateral of gold jewellery?
The way total output changes due to change in all inputs in same proportion is known as law of;
What is the primary purpose of integrity in ethical behavior?
Which of the following are the components that are required to be estimated for credit risk quantification?
1. Probability of default
2. E...
Labour cost that is specifically incurred for or can be readily charged to or identified with a specific job, contract, work order or any other unit of ...
MNP Inc has a gross profit of Rs 75000 on a sale of Rs 350000. The balance sheet shows average total assets of Rs 200000 with an average inventory of Rs...
All the following will be included in the company’s operating activities except:
Who popularized nudge theory?