India continues its commitment to tackling the issue of substance use disorder in the country, recognizing the significant social and health implications it carries. To address this challenge, the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment is set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Gayatri Parivar, aimed at spreading awareness about the ill effects of substance abuse, particularly among the youth. The government recognizes the need to address substance use and dependence as a psycho-social-medical problem. The first comprehensive national survey on the extent and pattern of substance use in India revealed that alcohol is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance, followed by cannabis and opioids. To combat the demand for drugs, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE) has been implementing the National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR). This umbrella scheme provides financial assistance to state governments and union territory administrations for various initiatives, including preventive education and awareness generation, capacity building, skill development, vocational training, and livelihood support for ex-drug addicts.
The Congress Working Committee adopted the Quit India Resolution at _____ in July 1942.
From which Constitution, the ideals of freedom, equality and brotherhood given in the preamble of our Constitution have been taken?
For cases of detection of Counterfeit Notes of five (05) or more pieces in a single transaction, the Counterfeit Notes shall be forwarded immediately by...
International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on:
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What is the targeted annual average growth rate in GDP as per the Eleventh Five-Year Plan?
Consider the following statements about natural phenomena.
1. Penitentes are formed in high altitudes where sunlight turns ice directly into wate...
Which of the following are most suitable indicators of SO2 pollution in environment?
Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution empowers the Parliament to restrict or abrogate the fundamental rights of the members of the ...