Bihar is all set to get its second tiger reserve in Kaimur district by the end of the year or early 2024. The State is home to the Valmiki Tiger Reserve (VTR) in West Champaran district. Kaimur district primarily comprises two landscapes — the hills, known as Kaimur plateau, and the plains on the west, which are flanked by the rivers Karmanasa and Durgavati. It has a dense forest cover and is home to tigers, leopards and chinkaras. The forests in Kaimur are the biggest in the State, spanning 1,134 sq km and including the 986-sq km Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary. At 34%, the district also has the highest green cover. The district shares boundaries with Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Till 1995, tigers were regularly spotted in the Kaimur hills. After a gap, in 2017 the then District Forest Officer Satyajeet Kumar officially intimated the State government of their reappearance. About Bihar Capital: Patna Chief minister: Nitish Kumar Governor: Rajendra Arlekar
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