Android users in India can now get alerts for earthquakes with the help of a new system launched by Google. The system uses the sensors in your phone like the accelerometer to sense an earthquake and warn you in advance. The Android Earthquake Alerts System is already deployed in many countries across the world helping provide an early warning when earthquake shaking begins. But Google is now bringing it to India in consultation with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the National Seismology Center (NSC). About Google Founded: 4 September 1998 CEO: Sundar Pichai
Based on the sticky-price model, the short-run aggregate supply curve will be steeper, the greater
A monopolist is facing a downward sloping linear market demand. His variable cost of production is zero. The profit maximizing price will
Consider the following Utility function U(x,y) = 4x+5y. The price of x and y are 5 and 6 respectively. The income of the consumer is 120. Calculate the ...
Given the following data for an economy:
National Income: $700 billion
Depreciation: $50 billion
Indirect taxes minus subsidie...
If money is neutral,
Which of the following is NOT one of the four priorities on which the budget proposal of 2022-23 rests?
Which of the following is an implication of the Solow Growth Model regarding long-term economic growth?
The credit manager at a Departmental store collects data on 100 of her customers. Of the 60 men, 40 have credit cards (C). Of the 40 women, 30...
A sample poll of 100 voters reveals the following information about candidates A, B and C who are nominated for 3 different offices:
If a constant 60 is subtracted from each of the values of X and Y, then the regression coefficient is