The State Bank of India (SBI) has launched a 'Mobile Handheld Device’ for its financial inclusion customers in a bid to enhance accessibility and convenience. In its first phase, the device will provide five core banking services that account for 75 percent of transactions conducted at CSP outlets. These include cash withdrawals, cash deposits, fund transfers, balance inquiries, and mini statements.
The Kailasanathar Temple, a fine example of which architectural style, is located in Tamil Nadu?
In which city in Maharashtra is the Aga Khan Palace located?
Shovana Narayan is renowned for her expertise in which classical dance form?
The Currency of Mongolia is
वनस्थली विद्यापीठ ( डीम्ड विष्वविद्यालय ) किस जिले में है ?
Arrange the following countries, as largest countries by Area in the chronological order from highest to lowest in terms of the area.
A. Ind...
Kumbhalgarh fort is located in which state?
What is the first significant feature of the Banjara Virasat Museum inaugurated by PM Modi in Maharashtra?
What is India's rank in recently released Environment Protection Index?
Recently Government of India, World Bank and a state government signed an agreement of $120 million to improve access to water supply. Name the state: