The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) notified that the deadline for mutual fund account holders has been extended till January 1,2024 to nominate a beneficiary or opt out of it by submitting a declaration form. The markets regulator has also asked asset management companies (AMCs) and RTAs to encourage the unit holder to fulfill the requirement for nomination or opting out of the nomination by sending a communication on a fortnightly basis by way of emails and SMS to all such unit holders who is not in compliance with the requirement of nomination.The move is aimed at helping investors to secure their assets and pass them on to their legal heirs.
In the questions given below, there are three statements followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the three given statements to be...
No Platter is a Cup.
Only a few Cup are Spoon.
Only a few Plate are Spoon.
I. All Spoon are ...
In the question below there are three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if t...
Only a few Black is Grey.
Only Grey is White.
Some Black is Blue.
No Blue being White is...
Statements:No town is a city.
All cities are islands.
Conclusions:I. No island is a town.
II. All islands are cities.
In the question below there are three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if t...
Only a few Facebook are Messenger.
No Messenger is Hangout.
Only a few Snapchat are Whatsapp.
No Whatsapp...
Some pens are sharpeners
All sharpeners are erasers
No eraser is ink
Some inks are pencil
Few Cartoons are not meme.
All meme are sketch.
Only a few sketchesare model.
I. All ca...
Some TVs are laptops.
Some laptops are computers.
All computers are mobiles.
All mobiles are radios.