SEBI has extended the timeline by two years till September 2025 for compliance with enhanced qualification and experience requirements for investment advisers. At present, individual investment advisers, principal officers of non-individual investment advisers, and persons with investment advisers and associated with the work, were required to comply with enhanced qualification and experience requirements by September 30, 2023.
The agency which recommends the minimum support/procurement price for agriculture commodities to the government is
World Forestry Day is celebrated on
The broad term encompassing the cultivation, protection, and harvest of grapes where the operations are outdoors is called
‘Two leaf and a bud’ picking method is applied in
Which of the following weed causes Dropsy disease in humans?
Kinnow was developed by
Evapotranspiration is measured using
Among the following vegetables, which one is viviparous in nature.
Which one is not ICAR publication ?
When both the alleles of gene are fully expressed in a heterozygote, what is this phenomenon called?