The World Bank has maintained India's GDP growth rate at 6 . 3 % for 2023 - 24 despite global headwinds . The World Bank says that India is demonstrating strong economic growth despite facing substantial external challenges . In its April report, the World Bank had reduced India's growth rate estimate for 2023 - 24 to 6 . 3 percent from the earlier 6 . 6 percent.
._______ method can be used for any SQL statements(Select and Update both).
In the context of cloud computing, what is the main difference between containers and virtual machines?
The ALU performs the indicated operation on the operands prepared in the prior cycle and store the result in the specified destination operand location.
In a virtual memory system, which of the following techniques is used to maintain the illusion that each process has its own dedicated memory space?
Which of the following database operations is used to remove all records from a table but not the table itself?
...In the Software Development Lifecycle, which phase is primarily responsible for identifying and documenting the needs of the stakeholders to create a bl...
Which is best fit for blank space 15?
Which of the following tools is commonly used for compliance auditing in Unix/Linux environments?
Which is used for C shell?
Predict the output
list1 = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]
list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
print "list1[0]: ", list1[0]