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The Indian Air Force (IAF) has placed two contracts with Bharat Dynamics Ltd. (BDL) for the indigenous Astra Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air Missile and the first batch is expected to be inducted by the end of the year. The BDL has already received bulk production clearance for the manufacture of the Astra-MK1 missiles from the Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification (CEMILAC. The Astra is fully integrated on the Su-30MKI. In August, it was successfully test fired from the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas off the coast of Goa during which the missile was released from the aircraft at an altitude of about 20,000 ft. The IAF plans to arm its frontline fighters with the Astra-MK1 and officials have said that the Astra-2 would become the mainstay of the IAF’s BVR missile arsenal, reducing import dependency. In May 2022, the Defence Ministry signed a contract with BDL for supply of Astra Mk-I missiles and associated equipment for the IAF and the Navy at a cost of ₹2,971 crore. About IAF Headquarters: New Delhi Founded: 8 October 1932 Chief: Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari
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In his cross examination, the witness corroborated his depositions made by him earlier.
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