Indian Navy and the State Bank of India on October 4 launched ‘Nav-eCash’ card, a unique e-cash The SBI Nav-eCash card will be implemented pan Navy The project has been brought to life by the State Bank of India, which took the initiative forward by embedding the offline solution into their existing online solution and paving way for the maiden trials on board INS Vikramaditya in 2021 About Indian Navy Chief: R. Hari Kumar
Which rate has replaced LIBOR?
How many Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) did India sign between 2021 and 2024?
Which among the following can result into the difference in the cash and the pass book balance:
During the financial year 2023-24, A had cash sales of ₹3,90,000 and credit sales of ₹1,60,000. His expenses for the year were ₹2,70,000, out of w...
Calculate the net profit margin based on above information?
Under the RBI’s guidelines for import of gold by Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) holders, how many days of advance payment are allowed for Qualified Jewellers...
Which of the following is an example of a project finance structure?
Which is the mandatory process of identifying and verifying the client's identity when opening an account and periodically over time?
As per the Union Budget 2023 announcements, Extension of tax benefit period for relocation of AIFs (Alternate Investment Fund) to new find location in G...
Which among the following is not a function of treasury department: