The Maharashtra government approved the Lek Ladki Yojana (Dear Daughter scheme) for families with annual income up to Rs one lakh The government will pay Rs 5,000 at the time of birth of a girl child, Rs 6,000 when she is admitted to a school, Rs 7,000 when she is in class 7, Rs 8,000 when she gets admission in a college and Rs 75,000 when she attains the age of 18 years. Thus, a total Rs 1.01 lakh will be provided to the girl The Maharashtra government also approved the disbursement of Rs 1,720 crore to farmers as the first tranche of funds under the Namo Shetkari Mahasanman Nidhi Yojana by issuing a GR (Government Resolution). Under the scheme, around 90 lakh farmers in the state will be paid Rs 6,000 annually Lek Ladki scheme will be implemented with the effect of April 01, 2023 About Maharashtra Chief minister: Eknath Shinde Governor: Ramesh Bais Capital : Mumbai
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