Bharti Airtel has launched Airtel Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS), an omni-channel cloud platform. This platform offers enterprises a unified experience for all contact center solutions. The Airtel CCaaS platform enables businesses to access contact center solutions at affordable monthly costs instantly. This also eliminates the need to source voice, cloud, and software separately from multiple vendors. It comes with features like seamless call handling, call routing, call queuing, conference calling, and cloud monitoring accessible across all office locations. Airtel CCaaS can also simplify contact center management and enhance the customer contact experience.
IPv4 and IPv6 are addresses used to identify computers on the internet. Find the correct statement out of the following :
Bluetooth is a type of radio wave information transmission system that is good for about ____________
What software applications would be the most suitable for performing numerical and statistical calculations?
The first generation computer system used________
Which of the following is NOT a source of viruses?
.............. file format used for data compression and archiving
Second generation of computers consists of which of the following?
What is the primary purpose of virtual memory?
Which Function key is commonly used to access the Help menu in many software applications?
The octal number system consists of the following symbols: