In a move to deepen the bond market, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced sops for large corporates (LCs), which have raised more than the mandated share of 25% of their qualified borrowing through the bond route. SEBI has also provided a framework from FY25 onwards. Firms will need to meet the borrowing quota over a contiguous period of three years. At the end of three years (last day of T+2 year), if there is a surplus of borrowings at over 25%, the firms will have the following advantages. One, there will be a reduction in the annual listing fee between 2% to 10% at the end of T+2. Two, the contribution to the Core Settlement Fund (CSF) will go down from 0.01% to 0.05%. The reduction in the fee will depend on meeting the norms between 0-15% and 75%. In case of a shortfall, the additional contribution for a shortfall will range from 0.015% to 0.055% between 0-15% and 75%. Similarly, there will be an additional method to increase the CSF.
Which of the following fractions lies between 3/7 and 8/9?
There is a fraction such that if we add 11/30 to it then it gets inverse & if we subtract 1 from numerator then the fraction becomes 2/3 . What is the f...
Ravi has read 4/5 of a book while Saumya has read only 5/8 of the book she is reading. Both, however, have another 150 pages of their respective books r...
Which of the following fractions is the largest?
Which of the following fractions lies between 3/7 and 8/9?
Numerator of a fraction is 4 less than the denominator. If 6 and 7 are added to numerator and denominator of a fraction respectively, then fraction beco...
The value of
If the numerator of a fraction is decreased by 20% and the denominator of the same fraction is increased by 30%, then what fraction of the old is the ...