The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled the Certificate of Registration of Chennai-based Ind Bank Housing Ltd. Indian Bank and HUDCO (Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd) are major shareholders in the housing finance company, holding 51 per cent and 25 per cent stake, respectively. The company was set up in 1991. The housing finance company’s net loss widened to ₹55.78 lakh in FY23 against ₹12.93 lakh in FY22.
Which fungal disease causes circular grey spots with light-colored centers on the leaves of brinjal, later forming black pycnidia, and leads to canker d...
Rust disease in sugarcane is caused by
What term is used to describe the process in bacteria where cells are transformed genetically by absorbing genetic material released during the rupture ...
Which type of host(s) is not necessary for completing the life cycle of a pathogen but aids in its survival during unfavorable periods?
Presence of pin head like orange coloured dots in the nodal region of sugarcane is an important symptom of
Disease that occurs irregularly and in relatively few instances, and may be endemic in one region and epidemic in another?
Hardy-Weinberg law is applicable for maintainence of genetic purity of
What method involves the use of clear polythene film over moist soil during sunny summer days to increase soil temperature and inactivate many soil-born...
What is the process by which plants recognize pathogenic threats and activate defense responses?
In plant pathology, what are "symptoms" referring to?