Bharti Airtel has launched Airtel Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS), an omni-channel cloud platform. This platform offers enterprises a unified experience for all contact center solutions. The Airtel CCaaS platform enables businesses to access contact center solutions at affordable monthly costs instantly. This also eliminates the need to source voice, cloud, and software separately from multiple vendors. It comes with features like seamless call handling, call routing, call queuing, conference calling, and cloud monitoring accessible across all office locations. Airtel CCaaS can also simplify contact center management and enhance the customer contact experience.
Aarav and Bhumi entered into a partnership with Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 50,000 for 9 and 7 months, respectively. Bhumi used her entire profit to buy gold, wh...
Amit and Vinod commenced a business with initial investments of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 15,000, respectively. After four months, Amit doubled his investment,...
Atul and Brijesh started a business by investing Rs 16,000 and Rs 20,000 respectively. At the end of 4th month of the business, Chetan joins ...
'A' and 'B' started a business by investing Rs. '7x' and Rs. '5x' respectively. Nine months later, 'A' withdrew Rs. 600 from his investment whereas 'B' ...
'A' and 'B' started a business by investing Rs. '6x' and Rs. '8x' respectively. Five months later, 'A' withdrew Rs. 100 from his investment whereas 'B' ...
Aman, Bhanu, and Chetna joined a business, investing Rs. 1200, Rs. 1600, and Rs. 'r', respectively. After 6 months, Aman, Bhanu, and Chetna increased th...
Anoop' initiated a Canteen Business by investing Rs. 15,000. 't' months later, 'Arvind' joined him with an investment of Rs. 10,000. After 4 months of j...
H and V commenced a business with investments of Rs. (p+20000) and Rs. (p-20000), respectively. In the 8th month, H withdrew Rs. 40000 from the business...
A and B started a business by investing Rs.420 and Rs.550 respectively. After 6 months, A increased his investment by Rs.760. Find the ratio of annual p...
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ started a business by investing Rs. 1,500, Rs. 1,800 and Rs. 1,200, respectively. After 6 months, ‘B’ decreased his inv...