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An MoU was signed between the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) and the Skill Council for Persons with Disability (SCPwD). The purpose of MoU is to synergise the expertise of the SCPwD and the IICA with the aim of equipping the corporates in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies for building and managing a diverse workforce through the various entities created under the aegis of SCPwD and IICA. SCPwD, in collaboration with the IICA, will take the initiative through skill courses on Qualification – Job Coach for Inclusivity (JCI) programmes or otherwise in diverse areas.
The term Fire Ice is used for ___?
Which chemical element is represented by the symbol "Fe" in the periodic table?
Pepperonil, ethyl acetate, butyraldehyde and nitrate are some common adulterants used in ____________
What property is shared by isotopes of an element?
Which of the following elements is NOT a zero-group element?
Itai-Itai disease is caused by exposure to which metal?
Manganite is an ore/mineral of
What is the pH value of a solution that is neither acidic nor basic?
The first nuclear reactor made in India is named:
The Refrigerator works on which of the following principles?