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The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has removed the retail sector of the general insurance industry from the arbitration clause, as policyholders have alternative avenues to resolve their complaints. The clause will now only apply to commercial lines of business. The clause would continue to be applicable to all existing retail policies until the term of the policy expires, unless the policyholder requests its replacement with the commercial lines clause.For all new retail policies, the clause will be considered deleted, while it will apply to all commercial policies from the date of renewal falling on or after the date of the circular, which takes effect immediately.
नीचे हिन्दी के वाक्य दिए गए है उनके सही अंग्रेज़ी अनुव...
दिए गए प्रत्येक प्रश्न में एक हिंदी का वाक्य दिया गया ...
निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से realize शब्द का पर्याय नहीं ह...
Caution money का हिंदी पर्याय निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द होगा ?
Approval के लिए सही पारिभाषिक शब्द नहींहै ?
Bill का हिंदी पर्याय नहीं है।
Choose the correct Hindi translation of Break- even analysis
विदेशी संस्थागत निवेशकों की बिकवाली की वजह से दबाव रह...
निम्नलिखित में से deterioration का पर्याय कौन सा शब्द नहीं है ?
The following Hindi sentences are followed by four different ways in which they can be paraphrased in English language. Identify the option wh...