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Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) and Tel Aviv University, Israel, have developed an aerogel adsorbent that can remove trace pollutants from wastewater.This graphene-modified silica aerogel removes over 76 per cent of trace pollutants (PPM level) in continuous flow conditions, offering a sustainable path for large-scale water purification. The research team is dedicated to enhancing these results for large-scale applications.
How many persons are standing in the row if Ravi is standing 12th from the left end of the row, and 13th from the right end of the...
What is the possible weight of D?
What may be the possible height of pole W?
Who among the following person/persons are heavier than the fourth shortest persons?
I. R
All 28 students in a class are standing in a row facing north. Himani is 16th from the right end and Sheetal is 11th from left end...
Five boys took part in a competition. Vasu finished before Ajay but behind Neeraj. Dheeraj finished before Suman but behind Ajay. Who won the race?
In a class among five students, T has more marks than U and V, but V does not have least marks. W has more marks than X and X has more marks than T, who...
Divisha is 47th from the left end of a row of 80 students and Praful is 59th from the right end in the same row. How many students...
Seven persons (D, E, F, G, H, I, and J) have different number of chocolates. Only G has more chocolates than H. I has more chocolates than J and D. D ha...
How many persons are there between W and Q?