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Agniveer Gawate Akshay Laxman — deployed at the Siachen glacier, the world’s highest battlefield — has become the first Agniveer to be Martyred in the line of duty since the Agnipath scheme for the recruitment of soldiers was introduced.
During the Delhi Sultanate, which region gained fame for juristic learning?
ONAM is the state festival of?
“They asserted themselves in the Mysore region about the beginning of the 12th century. The temples they built at Halebid and Belur look like lace wor...
Which statements about millets are true?
(I) Kutki and Sanwa are the varieties of Millets.
(II) The earliest evidence of Millets consumpti...
Who among the following rulers had embraced Jainism?
The main events like Cripps mission and Quit India Resolution was held at the time period of _______ as the viceroy of India?
Which of the following is not correct with reference to Virashaivism?
Who gave the Title of “RAJA” to raja Ram Mohan Rai?
Which of the following is/are basic tenets of Jainism?
1. The entire world is animated.
2. Monastic existence is a necessary condition...
Which of the following is the first book of medieval India?
1) Kitab ul hind
2) Tehkik e hind
3) Shahnama
4) Tuzuk e Babri