According to Knight Frank’s Prime Global Cities Index, Mumbai recorded the fourth highest year-on-year growth in prime residential prices among global cities for the quarter ended September 2023. The Prime Global Cities Index is a valuation-based index tracking the movement of prime residential prices across 46 cities worldwide. New Delhi and Bengaluru too recorded an upward movement in their index rankings. NCR moved from 36th rank a year ago to 10th in September 2023. Manila claimed the top spot followed by Dubai on the 2nd spot and Shanghai on the 3rd. San Francisco was the weakest market with a decline of 9.7 percent on a year-on-year basis.
Who among the following got the lowest marks?
Five persons F, R, G, W, and Y have different heights. F is taller than Y but shorter than W. G is shorter than F. R is the shortest among all. Who amon...
What could be the possible height of R?
Five people B, U, D, T and W have different heights. W is the shortest among them. D is taller than T but shorter than B. U is taller than B. How many p...
Which of the following option is correct, if the people are arranged in ascending of their weight?
Who among the following got the highest marks?
Who secured the highest marks?
A, B, C, D and E are working in a firm each earning a different amount. B earns more than D, who is not the least earner. C earns less than only A but m...
P, Q, R, S and T are working in a firm each earning a different amount. Q earns more than S, who is not the least earner. R earns less than only P but m...
Six players T, U, V, W, X, and Y scored different runs in a cricket match. W scored more than Y and T. Three players scored more than X, who scored just...