Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 'Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat)’ platform for youth of the country on October 31st, at Kartavya Path on the National Unity Day. Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat)’ is envisioned as a pivotal, technology-driven facilitator for youth development and youth-led development, with the overarching goal of providing equitable opportunities to empower the youth in realizing their aspirations and contributing to the creation of a “Viksit Bharat” (developed India), across the entire spectrum of the Government. Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat), an autonomous body will benefit the youth in the age group of 15-29 years, in line with the definition of ‘Youth’ in the National Youth Policy. Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat) is 'Phygital Platform' (physical + digital) comprising physical activity along with an opportunity to connect digitally. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat) is to make it a whole of Government platform dedicated to the advancement of the youth. Its objectives include: Ø Leadership Development in the Youth Ø Improve the leadership skills through experiential learning by shifting from isolated physical interaction to programmatic skills Ø Investing in youth to make them social innovators, and leaders in the communities Ø Better alignment between the aspirations of the youth and the community needs Ø Enhanced efficiency through Convergence of existing programmes Ø Act as a one-stop shop for young people and Ministries Ø Create a centralized youth database Ø Improved two-way communication to connect youth government initiatives and activities of other stakeholder that engage with youth
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Family of Anola is
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Out of these, which is not a buffalo breed ?
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