Michael Douglas is set to receive the Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award at the 54th International Film Festival of India, which is scheduled to be held from 20th to 28th November in Goa. The festival will showcase 198 films, including the opening film 'Catching Dust,' the mid-fest film 'About Dry Grasses,' and the closing film 'The Featherweight.'
97, 98, 107, 132, 181, 264
112, 134, 178, 244, 334, 442
1, 1.5, 3, 7.5, 22.5, 75, 315
186, 179, 170, 162, 146, 131, 114
8 10 36 216 2592 62208
1024 3072 384 1152 145 432
256 768 96 288 35 108
120, 240, 80, 320, 60, 384
5, 17, 44, 83, 135, 200
Find the wrong number in given number series.
136, 184, 250, 304, 376, 456