The MoU between IIT Kanpur and IIS aims to involve IIT Kanpur in mentoring the development of laboratory infrastructure at IIS Kanpur, developing suitable course curriculum, and offering joint certificate and diploma courses approved by both institutes.
Dhamek Stupa is located in which of the following city of Uttar Pradesh?
Which state gets its Second International Airport in Deoghar, when the Prime Minister laid the foundation of it?
Which dance form was introduced by Mahapurusha Sankaradeva in the 15th century AD?
Which of the following sectors is targeted under PMKVY for skills training?
Which is the joint project of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh?
Which type of forest is most prevalent across India?
Which of the following is the Eastern most district of Uttar Pradesh?
The first Milk Cooperative Committee/Union was established in which of the following districts of Uttar Pradesh?
Which nation is being aided by the Indian government to combat locusts, including the supply of 40,000 liters of Malathion, an environmentally friendly ...
What is the primary focus of India Exim Finserve IFSC Private Limited, the subsidiary launched by Exim Bank?