The Finance Ministry announced that more than Rs 256 crore in relief grant has been given to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) under the Vivad se Vishwas-I scheme for the Covid-19 pandemic period. The highest relief worth Rs 116.47 crore has been granted by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG), which includes the claims settled and the amount paid by the agencies under the administrative control of the MoPNG. The Ministry of Railways granted Rs 79.16 crore in relief, while the Ministry of Defence granted Rs 23.45 crore. The Ministry of Steel provided a relief of Rs 14.48 crore, whereas the Ministry of Power gave Rs 6.69 crore in relief.
The speed of a fast moving electron, having total energy of 2 MeV, is nearly:
Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the filament of an electric bulb, because –
A body of mass 3 kg is acted upon by two perpendicular forces 9 N and 12 N. Find the resultant of two forces and the acceleration of the body.
Which of the following statement is/are true?
I. The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are conductors of heat.
Which of the following rays are not deflected by a magnetic field?
Specific resistance of a conductor increases with :
A train runs along an unbanked circular track of radius of 10 m at speed of 36 km/h. The mass of the train is 16 kg.
What is the an...
A toroid has a core (non-ferromagnetic) of inner radius 23 cm and outer radius 28 cm, around which 4000 turns of a wire are wound. If the current in th...
What is colour of light related to?
Going from fluorine to chlorine, to bromine and then to iodine, the electro negativity: