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Luxembourg's former finance minister Luc Frieden will become the country's new prime minister, leading a government coalition of his Christian democratic party and the liberal party of former Prime Minister Xavier Bettel.
Quiescent centre is found in plants at
Which one of the following is a neutral fertiliser?
Which one of the following climatic region is predominant in acid soils?
According to CRIDA, the depth of deep tillage is ____
When we want to change the magnitude of voltage but not the frequency, which one is used?
What is the name of a dual-purpose Indian cattle breed that was widely exported to Latin American countries in the past?
In which part of insect body, Johnston's organs are present?
Which one of the following is associated with Aroma is rice ?
In the LTLT method of pasteurization, at what temperature is milk exposed for 30 minutes?
Which term describes the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the breakdown of organic materials in water?