Government also launched Pradhan Mantri Innovative Learning Programme- ‘ DHRUV ’ on 10th October, 2019 at ISRO, Bengaluru with active participation & consultation of State Governments to mentor and nurture talented children to enrich their skills and knowledge so that they can realize their full potential and contribute to society. Under this Programme students of Science group and of Performing Arts group were selected from class 9 to 12 by an Advisory Committee headed by the PrincipalScientific Advisor in consultation with the Department of Science and Technology, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog and National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT), Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT) and Sangeet Natak Akademi, Ministry of Culture.
Which of the following statements is/are definitely correct?
Pointing towards the man , Albela said,” He is the only son of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother”. How is the man related to ...
How many male members are there in the family?
K is the son of G. H is the father of K. F is the brother of G. E is the father-in-law of H. How is D related to F, if D is the wife of K’s mother’s...
How is H related to F?
Who among the following is the mother of G?
How is J related to I?
How is uncle of S related to N?
Who is the daughter of A?
Who is the brother of I?