Salesforce has collaborated with the Ministry of Education to train one lakh students in Salesforce skills in the next three years in India. The programme will be made available with industry-relevant, National Occupation Standard-recognised course content. It will also include "train-the-trainer" engagements for the educators, mentorship, and employment connections to Salesforce partners and customers looking to hire skilled talent. The programme will also offer virtual internships to students. The Ministry of Education's Department of Higher Education has decided to offer industry-related courses on the SWAYAM platform in collaboration with Salesforce with an objective to increase the employability of the students.
The branch of biology that deals with the heredity and variation of organisms. Who is known as father of genetics.
The gene is considered the basic unit of inheritance which are passed from parents to offspring. The alternate form of a gene is termed as
Soil health card with the tagline “Swasth Dharaa, Khet Haraa” was launched on ____.
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
The main purpose of blanching vegetables before freezing is to
An acute or chronic inflammation of the mammary gland caused by physical, chemical and biological agents chiefly of bovines usually affecting the secret...
The Central Institute for Women in Agriculture (ICAR-CIWA), functioning under Indian Council of Agricultural Research is mandated to undertake research ...
It is the tendency of some crops to absorb and accumulate nutrients far in excess of their actual needs if it is present in sufficiently large quantiti...
When fruit develops from the mere stimulus of the pollination, but without fertilization it is known as_____
Which of the following is popularly known as queen of nut crops?