DSP Fund Managers IFSC, a subsidiary of DSP Asset Managers (DSP AMC), has started operations in GIFT City, Gandhinagar. The asset manager firm plans to offer a wide range of investment products through the subsidiary, including late stage investing, private equities, and long – short hedge funds including long-only high conviction strategies. It will be positioned as DSP AMC’s offshore hub and will provide both Indian investment solutions for global investors and global solutions for offshore and Indian investors.
Match List-I with List-II
Choose the correct answer fr...
Celery belongs to family
Jute prefer to grow in
Major source of water used by plants is:
If a crop is to be irrigate at 0.8 IW: CPE with 60 mm depth, after which of the following should it be irrigated?
Method which is recommended for stabilizing gullies on slopes ranging from 11-15%?
Consider the following statement about MPEDA
I. MPEDA established under Ministry of commerce and industries.
II. ...
Match set A with set B
One honey bee hive has ....................drones?
First stage of Claviceps life cycle?