The Union Cabinet has approved a central scheme with an outlay of Rs 1,261 crore to provide drones to 15,000 progressive women Self Help Groups (SHGs). The scheme will run for two years beginning 2024-25. Under the scheme, central financial assistance of 80 per cent of the cost of the drone and accessories/ancillary charges of up to Rs 8,00,000 will be provided to women SHGs for the purchase of drones. The total estimated expenditure of an agricultural drone and its accessories is about Rs 10 lakh. About 80 per cent of the same or up to Rs 8 lakh will be provided by the Centre as a subsidy under the scheme The women SHGs will be identified from the total 89 lakh SHGs formed under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana. The Cluster Level Federation (CLFs) of SHGs may raise the balance amount (total cost of procurement minus subsidy) as a loan under the National Agriculture Infra Financing Facility (AIF). An interest subvention of 3 per cent on the AIF loan will be provided. Around 500 drones will be provided by fertiliser companies. The remaining 14,500 drones will be made available through central assistance in the next two years.
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